The problems of China's Health care system


Erschienen am 04.03.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783836643368
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 101 S., 0.61 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Inhaltsangabe:Abstract:A couple of dramatic scenes were seen in China and also after getting more information about the problems of the healthcare system of China the decision were created to learn more about the healthcare system of China for being able to present solutions for the general problems. Trough the change in 1978 from communism to the implementation of the economic reforms by Deng Xiaoping the media all around the world is talking about the incredible increasing of China. The changes to liberalized trade principle waged to decreased poverty levels and determine China on the path to economic sharpness. There is no doubt that China ushered in an era of unprecedented receptivity to foreign leverage. But beside the positive effects of the reform it also showed massive change within the once centralized medical system. Even though many efforts of the government some sections of the population are at a disadvantage. The implementation of the economic reforms have been a blessing for the Chinese as well as the improved reforms concerning to the healthcare system. On the other hand through the higher quality of the healthcare system the access is very difficult due rising costs.In that research it will be schematize the misbehaviour of many farmers concerning to health and disease and it will be shown that the present health care system that is working in the shadow of the centralized state which is managed by the government, is not the efficient way concerning to the rising costs. Furthermore solution and suggestions for improvement which could lead to an improvement in the health care system in China are introduced.Inhaltsverzeichnis:Inhaltsverzeichnis:Kurzfassung2Abstract3Eidesstattliche Erklärung4Table of content5List of abbreviations7Foreword81.Introduction92.China's healthcare organisation122.1THE DEVELOPMENT PHASE OF THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM122.2CHINA'S HEALTHCARE SYSTEM132.3THE HEALTH CARE FINANCING SYSTEM OF CHINA162.4THE HEALTHCARE INSURANCE OF CHINA182.4.1Basic medical insurance for urban workers182.4.2Basic medical insurance for urban residents202.4.3The rural cooperative medical care system232.4.4The survey of University students' free medical care system272.4.5Survey of children's medical insurance282.4.6Survey of medical services for foreigners302.5REFUND OF COSTS THROUGH THE HEALTHCARE INSURANCE332.5.1The doctor choice and hospital choice behaviour in China's New Cooperative Medical []

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