Remote Control

eBook - Television in Prison

Erschienen am 25.01.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781137443915
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.09 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In-cell television is now a permanent feature of prisons in England and Wales, and a key part of the experience of modern incarceration. This sociological exploration of prisoners' use of television offers an engaging and thought provoking insight into the domestic and everyday lives of people in prison - with television close at hand. Victoria Knight explores how television contributes to imprisonment by normalising the prison cell. In doing so it legitimates this space to hold prisoners for long periods of time, typically without structured activity. As a consequence, television's place in the modern prison has also come to represent an unanticipated resource in the package of care for prisoners.

This book uncovers the complex and rich emotive responses to prison life. Dimensions of boredom, anger, frustration, pleasure and happiness appear through the rich narratives of both prisoners and staff, indicating the ways institutions and individuals deal with their emotions. It also offers an insight into the unfolding future of the digital world in prisons and begins to consider how the prisoner can benefit from engagement with digital technologies. It will be of great interest to practitioners and scholars of prisons and penology, as well as those interested in the impact of television on society.


Victoria Knight is a Senior Research Fellow in Applied Social Sciences at De Montfort University, UK. She is a member of the Independent Monitoring Board in a local male prison and a member of the editorial board for the Prison Service Journal. She is also convenor of the Emotion and Criminal Justice Cluster at De Montfort University, UK, which brings together scholars and practitioners for cross-disciplinary research and debate into the topic of emotion in the criminal justice landscape.


1. Research Foundations

2. Perspectives on Prisons

3. Prisoner Perspectives

4. Audiences of Television

5. Making Room for In-Cell Television: Access, Availability and Points of Use

6. Personal Control: Television, Emotion and Prison Life

7. Situated and Mediated Control: Managing Souls with In-Cell Television

8. Concluding Discussion

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