Managing Agile Business Technology

eBook - The Business and Technology Relationship Model in Practice, Management for Professionals

Erschienen am 22.01.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
71,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030905989
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 145 S., 3.41 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book describes a conceptual management system derived from the Business and Technology Relationship Model (BTRM). The BTRM describes the relationship between business and technology and provides simple definitions for service quality, alignment, agility, and governance. It explains our problems with traditional methods, democratizes the management and governance of enterprise technologies, and is suitable for introducing process automation. This book describes in detail how the BTRM, combined with a focus on value creation and value delivery, will enable continuous change, in the context of current, emerging and future technologies. It illustrates the potential for real-time insight and control not previously considered and provides a wide range of information to plan an implementation, understand where AI can be applied, and its importance in the world of self-managing systems.

The topic of this book is particularly relevant for business managers, business technology managers and technology service providers.


Dr. David Miller's professional career has embraced most aspects of IT from development and operations to strategy and architecture and he has held CTO, CIO, CMO and CEO roles. He earned a PhD for the work on management and governance of business technology at Middlesex University (UK). His professional qualifications are in the fields of computing, engineering, marketing, and consulting. He is active on various committees and at the time of publication is Chair of the British Computer Society's IT Leaders Forum.


Chapter 1. The Need to Change the Way we Work.- Chapter 2. Breaking Through.- Chapter 3. Active Management and Governance.- Chapter 4. Analysing the Real-World Landscape.- Chapter 5. The Automated Future.- Chapter 6. The BTRM as a Universal Business Management Framework.

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