Get Better at Flatter

eBook - A Guide to Shaping and Leading Organizations with Less Hierarchy

Erschienen am 21.01.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
43,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030892548
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 210 S., 3.55 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


When should organizations think about adopting a flat structure? And what does it take to make it work? Is it even the silver bullet that weve been told it is? Often we have heard about how businesses should organize in non-traditional ways to succeed in todays world: be agile, or adopt approaches such as holacracy, RenDanHeYi or scrum. But what do these concepts actually mean? Are they even helping us to custom-tailor flat structures to our needs?

Leading expert, Markus Reitzig, provides a no-holds barred account of flat organizational structures, taking the good with the bad and asking the reader to balance the opportunities and challenges that come with less hierarchical structures. He explains that there are many types of flat organizations, and that they may only be better than traditional companies in some instances, and only when the company picks the right structure given its goal and its people.

Taking an evidence-based approach to the advantages and disadvantages of decentralizing, this book offers a unique, practical guide for managers. Youll learn how to formulate realistic goals with fewer hierarchical layers, where to decentralize, whom to recruit and how to treat your staff. This is an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to figure out how to work with flat organizational structures, and whether flat may even be right for them.


Markus Reitzig is Professor of Strategic Management and Subject Area Chair at the University of Vienna. Dr. Reitzig is a global authority on the strategic management of new organizational forms. His research has been featured in outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, McKinsey Quarterly, and Business Strategy Review, and his studies have been published in the finest academic journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal, and many others. Markus is regularly sought after as an expert interviewee for national and international media and frequently presents at public and corporate events. He has been a speaker at several TEDx events over the past years on the subject of hierarchy-less organizations. https://en.markusreitzig.com/


Part 1: Why Flat Structures Work at All.- Chapter 1: What does it mean to move towards a flatter structure?.- Chapter 2: What managers can effectively and efficiently delegate.- Chapter 3: Why would employees ever assume extra work in a decentralized organization?.- Part 2: What Managers Can Do to Make Flat Structures Work Well.- Chapter 4: What type of persons should you take on the journey?.- Chapter 5: How to enforce and foster effective self-organization?.- Chapter 6: How to design the playing field for efficient quasi-decentralization?.- Part 3: When, Why, and How Flat Structures Can Beat Traditional Hierarchies.- Chapter 7: When can flat structures beat more centralized ones?.- Chapter 8: Where does a flat structure reach its limits?.- Chapter 9: The guide(s) to successful decentralizing.- Part 4: Test Your Understanding.- Chapter 10: Delayering the hierarchical firmThe case of Borek.- Chapter 11: Flat growthThe case of WirDesign.- Chapter 12: Flat fads or more? From a as in agile to z as in zi zhu jing ying ti.

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