Barter Fair


Erschienen am 28.05.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781467800754
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The images of the skunk, official mascot of this years Barter Fair, and the I-Ching hexagram Gathering Together adorn this years official Barter Fair tie-dye t-shirt. You can get yours for just ten dollars when you get there.You may have to drive all the way from San Francisco just for the weekend, but itll be worth it. Every crystal sucking, tree hugging, dirt worshipping earth muffin, white witch, Ashland yippie, and backwoods hippie in Southern Oregon will be there, and itll be fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! You can camp with your old pow-wow pals. Their campsite is pretty full, but theres still room for one more tent.Want to buy a corn snake? Take a ride on the space wheel or a giant rocking horse? Hear the tree-sitters story? Watch the corn dance or listen to the Native American drummers and singers? You might even want to buy one of those famous Barter Fair goo balls. Youll probably have even more fun if you do! Dont miss the big parade, complete with skeleton band, naked mud dancers, and giant puppets.Its Saturday afternoon, and the Barter Fair is in full swing. Want to get pierced or tattooed? Hungry? Get something good to eat at the Rainbow Kitchen or the totally hemp food booth. You can get an animal spirit guide reading or cast the I-Ching. You can have your palm read, your hair braided, your aura analyzed, your future told, or your past lives revealed!Later, visit the earth, air, fire, and water installations, watch the full harvest moon rise, and dance, dance, dance as the Lions of Jah lay down some cool reggae tunes. Then, find out what goes on after the day crowd departs.Sunday morning, theres still time to check out the hemp house, sky chairs, and dog pods or visit the belly dancers camp. And hey, dont go home without a crystal or two. Those corn snakes are still for sale! So are the goo balls!

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