Women's Stories for God's Glory


Erschienen am 26.10.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781467046107
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 80 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


What do you have in common with the women of the Old Testament? With Eve? Or Sarah? Or Ruth? This 8-session group study will help you discover your links to the past and how God is still working todayin YOU! Women's Stories for God's Glory is designed for groups of 8 participants to study the Old Testament and contemporary women who opened their hearts to God's support as they experienced the challenges of life. Through well-designed exercises, readings, and discussion questions, you will be invited to open your heart to his love and support as well. In addition to the formal Bible study, every session provides one participant with the opportunity to share the important milestones of her life and faith journey using the insightful LifeMap exercise. God's grace is evident as you hear other women's authentic life stories confirming that we are all on a journey to find God and live for him. Through this study you will not only discover the power that sustained our "sisters" of the past, you will discover seven "new sisters" that are supporting you in your walk with God and his son, Jesus.For Group Leaders: This is an excellent study for new women to get to know more seasoned women and to feel welcomed to be a part of what God is doing at your church. It will speak to the hearts of women not yet committed to faith; women returning to faith and wanting to grow deeper; and women with a deep and abiding faith. There is something for every women here! It is a good tool for reaching out to women in challenging life situations encouraging them to follow Jesus. Each book includes a Leaders Guide to support and give insight into how to best lead the Bible study. Email support is also available from the author.

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