Health, Fitness and Me

eBook - True Inspirational Stories to Help You Be the Best You Can Be

Erschienen am 22.10.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781452069616
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 128 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In all our lives fi tness is so important. We are constantly looking for newideas and what is out there right now, to tell you the truth, is poor at best.Th ere are gimmicks like the newest girdle that is suppose to make you 3inches thinner and 20 pounds lighter. Or the latest pill that supposedly isto help you lose 15 pounds in a few days. Or the new healthy diet that issuppose to help you improve on your eating habits and reduce your weight.I know some of you may be discouraged. Th ere is a lot of negative in thisworld today. People are giving up in so many ways. People are losing focus andusing excuses not to do things that they are capable of doing. Motivation hasbeen changed to Apathy. Happiness has been changed to Sadness. Personaldrive has been changed to laziness and lack of focus. Whereas we use to holdourselves to a higher standard, we now settle for mediocrity at best.Stories such as Cancer Kills, Fighting for one life, Quitting when life getshard, Why should you care, Stresses of life, Where does true happinesscome from, A little walk in the woods and unconditional friendship shouldmotivate you to try and make a diff erence in your own life and the livesof others.My hopes are that in this book, you can fi nd the real truth that can bring youhope. I pull no punches in this book. I reveal many of the lies and gimmicksand give you the honest truth. In this book I also open my world to you sothat you can see my struggles and how I am overcoming them&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspRead, enjoy and share it with your friends.&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspMay God bless you all.

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