Love, the Greatest Thing In the World

eBook - Including The Changed Life, Dealing with Doubt, Lessons from the Angelus

Erschienen am 13.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547393573
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 106 S., 0.47 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Love, the Greatest Thing In the World' by Henry Drummond, the author explores the essence of love through various perspectives and situations. Written in a captivating and engaging literary style, Drummond delves deep into the concept of love, its different forms, and its significance in personal and societal contexts. Drawing inspiration from both philosophical and religious teachings, the book offers profound insights on the power and influence of love in our lives. Drummond's exploration of love is timeless and serves as a thought-provoking read for those seeking a deeper understanding of this universal emotion. Henry Drummond, a prominent Scottish evangelist and writer, was known for his profound insights on spirituality and human relationships. His experiences in the church and society led him to ponder the complexities of love, resulting in this influential work. Drummond's background in theology and his passion for spreading positivity and compassion shine through in 'Love, the Greatest Thing In the World.' Overall, 'Love, the Greatest Thing In the World' is a must-read for individuals looking to explore the transformative power of love in both personal and communal settings. With its timeless wisdom and thought-provoking narratives, this book offers a compelling perspective on the enduring nature of love.


Henry Drummond (18511897) was a renowned Scottish evangelist, biologist, and writer, who garnered acclaim for his work in the intersections of science and religion. His influence reached a global audience through his timeless treatise 'Love, the Greatest Thing in the World,' an exposition of 1 Corinthians 13, which remains a beloved text on the nature and supremacy of love. Drummond's literary style was marked by a blend of intellectual rigor with a heartfelt evangelical appeal, making his writings accessible to both the scholarly and the layman. As a lecturer in natural science, Drummond's endeavour to reconcile evolutionary theory with Christian theology was evident in his other noted works such as 'Natural Law in the Spiritual World' and 'The Ascent of Man.' His scholarly contributions offer a window into the Victorian era's pursuit of understanding faith through the lens of emerging scientific knowledge. Drummond's eloquence and deep humanity in discussing spiritual matters have left an indelible mark on Christian literature, ensuring his continued reverence in theological studies. His works, often characterized by their practical application of Christian principles, reflect his personal conviction that love was the utmost virtue a belief that still resonates with readers around the world.

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