The Collected Works of Joseph Alexander Altsheler


Erschienen am 13.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547393481
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 7788 S., 11.01 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Collected Works of Joseph Alexander Altsheler is a comprehensive collection of historical fiction novels set during important periods in American history, such as the Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War. Altsheler's writing style is characterized by meticulous attention to historical detail and immersive storytelling, making his works both educational and entertaining for readers interested in historical fiction. Each novel in this collection offers a vivid portrayal of the time period, highlighting key events and figures while also showcasing Altsheler's ability to create compelling narratives. The Collected Works of Joseph Alexander Altsheler is a valuable addition to any library, providing a glimpse into America's past through the lens of a talented storyteller. Joseph Alexander Altsheler, a former journalist and author, drew inspiration for his historical novels from his deep interest in American history and his desire to educate readers about the nation's past. Altsheler's meticulous research and dedication to accuracy are evident in his works, which have become synonymous with high-quality historical fiction. His passion for history shines through in each novel, making him a respected figure in the genre. I highly recommend The Collected Works of Joseph Alexander Altsheler to anyone who enjoys historical fiction or wants to learn more about American history. Altsheler's novels offer a captivating blend of history and storytelling that will keep readers engaged from beginning to end.


Joseph Alexander Altsheler (18621919) was an esteemed American novelist and journalist, best remembered for his prolific contributions to the genre of juvenile historical fiction. His works often revolved around American history, including the French and Indian War, the American Civil War, and the Texas War for Independence. Born in Three Springs, Kentucky, Altsheler began his literary quest as a reporter in Louisville before escalating to the role of editor for the New York World. His lore spanned over fifty novels, including the renowned series 'The Young Trailers' and 'The Civil War Series.' The intricacy of his storytelling is emblematic of his immersive research and intimate understanding of the American youth's perspective during these historical eras. Altsheler's ability to interweave factual events with the coming-of-age experiences of his young protagonists has cemented his legacy within the realm of educational and adventure-based literature, culminating in the comprehensive 'The Collected Works of Joseph Alexander Altsheler.' His literary style, characterized by an empathetic narrative voice and a vivid depiction of historical contexts, has garnered a timeless appeal, allowing generations of readers to experience the formative periods of American history through his compelling prose. Altsheler's dedication to crafting engaging narratives that also serve an educational purpose ensures his continued relevance within the corpus of early 20th-century American literature.

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