Your Word is Your Wand

eBook - Including 'The Game of Life and How to Play It'

Erschienen am 13.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547393474
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 117 S., 0.37 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In Florence Scovel Shinn's "Your Word is Your Wand," readers are taken on a transformative journey of harnessing the power of positive affirmations and thoughts to manifest one's desires. Written in the early 20th century, Shinn's book combines spiritual wisdom with practical advice on how to use words and thoughts as tools for creating a life filled with abundance and success. Through anecdotes and insights, Shinn teaches readers the importance of the words they speak and think, emphasizing the connection between one's internal dialogue and external reality. Her straightforward writing style makes complex metaphysical concepts accessible to a wide audience, setting this book apart as a timeless classic in the self-help genre. Florence Scovel Shinn, a prolific writer and spiritual teacher, drew inspiration from her own experiences and beliefs to craft a guide that continues to inspire readers to take control of their lives through the power of positive thinking. Shinn's deep understanding of the universal laws governing manifestation shines through in "Your Word is Your Wand," making it a must-read for anyone seeking to transform their reality and manifest their desires through the power of words.


Florence Scovel Shinn (1871-1940) was a profound American artist and author who became a pivotal figure in the New Thought movement, a spiritual philosophy that espouses positive thinking and the law of attraction as keys to personal fulfillment. Born in Camden, New Jersey, Shinn pursued a career as an illustrator before her interests veered toward metaphysics and spiritual studies. Her first book, 'The Game of Life and How to Play It' (1925), introduced her core beliefs and laid the groundwork for her subsequent writings. 'Your Word is Your Wand,' published in 1928, is a sequel to her first book and extends her focus on the power of spoken affirmations and positive thinking. Shinn's literary style combines practical wisdom with spiritual insights, offering readers affirmations and anecdotes designed to harness the transformative power of words and thoughts. Her works remain influential and are widely read by those seeking to understand the metaphysical principles that according to her, govern success and happiness in life. Shinn's legacy endures through her therapeutic and optimistic messages that aim to empower individuals to shape their destinies.

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