The Chesterton Collection


Erschienen am 13.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
2,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547393290
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 10405 S., 13.00 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Chesterton Collection is a comprehensive selection of the works of the renowned author G. K. Chesterton, showcasing his unique literary style characterized by wit, humor, and deep philosophical insights. This anthology includes a variety of genres such as essays, poems, novels, and detective fiction, giving readers a glimpse into Chesterton's versatility as a writer. The collection is a testament to Chesterton's ability to provoke thought and challenge conventional wisdom through his thought-provoking narratives and keen observations of society. Chesterton's work has been highly regarded for its timeless relevance and engaging storytelling, making this anthology a must-read for any literary enthusiast. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, known as G. K. Chesterton, was a prolific writer and critic who was deeply influenced by his Catholic faith and his keen sense of social justice. His works often reflect his belief in the importance of tradition, morality, and the inherent value of human life, making him a prominent figure in Christian literature. The Chesterton Collection is a testament to his enduring legacy as a profound thinker and captivating storyteller. For readers who appreciate thought-provoking literature that combines wit with profound insights, The Chesterton Collection is a literary treasure that offers a rich and rewarding reading experience. Whether you are a fan of detective fiction, essays, or philosophical musings, Chesterton's diverse works are sure to captivate and inspire you.


Gilbert Keith Chesterton (18741936) was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary and art critic known for his distinctive style infused with humor, paradox, and a love for the commonplace. With a prolific output, Chesterton authored approximately 80 books, several hundred poems, 200 short stories, 4000 essays, and several plays. His eloquent and often whimsical prose has made a lasting impact on both popular and scholarly domains. Among his notable works is 'The Chesterton Collection,' which captures a broad spectrum of his written legacy, inviting readers into his diverse explorations of religion, society, politics, and economics. Chesterton's writing is characterized by a fascination with the mystical and an acute sense of wonder about life, which is evident in his Father Brown detective stories and his Christian apologetics, such as 'Orthodoxy' and 'The Everlasting Man.' A key figure in English letters, Chesterton's influence reaches beyond his immediate literary achievements; he has been cited as an influence by various authors and thinkers, including C.S. Lewis, Jorge Luis Borges, and Neil Gaiman. His advocacy for what came to be known as 'distributivism'an economic philosophy emphasizing the benefits of a wide distribution of propertyfeatured in both his fiction and non-fiction, showcases his deep concern with the issues of his time, many of which continue to resonate today.

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