A Mountain Woman


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547346722
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 103 S., 0.37 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Elia Wilkinson Peattie's 'A Mountain Woman' is a compelling novel that delves into the rugged and isolated life of a woman living in the wilderness of the American West. Peattie's vivid descriptions and detailed character development draw readers into the harsh yet awe-inspiring landscape, where the protagonist's resilience and strength shine through. The book's writing style is rich in imagery and symbolism, reflecting the era of frontier literature in which it was written. Peattie's ability to capture the essence of the untamed wilderness and the human spirit makes 'A Mountain Woman' a timeless classic in American literature. Elia Wilkinson Peattie, a prolific writer and journalist, was known for her insightful portrayals of life on the frontier and her advocacy for social reform. Her experiences living in various regions of the United States likely influenced her writing, giving her a firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by those living in remote areas. 'A Mountain Woman' showcases Peattie's talent for capturing the raw beauty of nature and the indomitable spirit of the human heart. I highly recommend 'A Mountain Woman' to readers interested in classic American literature, frontier narratives, and stories of resilience against adversity. Peattie's novel offers a captivating glimpse into the struggles and triumphs of a strong, independent woman in the untamed wilderness of the West.


Elia Wilkinson Peattie (18621935) was an acclaimed American author, journalist, and critic, renowned for her versatility in writing and her pivotal role in Midwestern literature. Born in Michigan, Peattie's literary career began early: she published her first story at the age of 14. Deeply committed to social causes and with a profound understanding of human nature, she moved to Nebraska with her husband where she became the first woman to join the Omaha Daily Herald's editorial staff. Her literary output includes novels, short stories, and journalism, reflecting her keen observations of frontier life and social issues of her time. Her notable work, 'A Mountain Woman' (1896), displays not only her narrative craftsmanship but also her ability to delve into the subtleties of individual experiences against the vast backdrop of the American West. Peattie's style is often characterized by its vivid descriptions, strong characterizations, and a blend of realism with romanticism. Throughout her career, she engaged with philosophical and feminist themes, presaging the social changes that would become prominent in the years to follow. Beyond her fiction, she was an influential literary and social critic, using her platform to advocate for women's rights and environmental conservation. Peattie's legacy endures in American literature, both as a prolific storyteller and as an insightful social commentator of her era.

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