Sir Nigel


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547343783
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 306 S., 0.58 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Sir Nigel is a historical novel written by Arthur Conan Doyle that follows the adventures of Nigel Loring, a young knight during the Hundred Years' War. Doyle's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring to life the medieval setting, making the reader feel like they are part of the thrilling battles and chivalrous tournaments. The book is a captivating blend of historical accuracy and romanticized storytelling, making it a timeless classic in the historical fiction genre. Doyle's writing style is engaging and filled with suspense, making Sir Nigel a page-turner for any lover of adventure and romance. The book also reflects Doyle's extensive research on the period, showcasing his deep knowledge of medieval history and customs. Arthur Conan Doyle's passion for history and storytelling is evident in Sir Nigel, as he expertly weaves together historical accuracy and captivating narrative to create a compelling tale of valor and honor. Recommended for readers who enjoy immersive historical fiction and a thrilling adventure set in the medieval era.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer, most renowned for his detective fiction featuring the iconic character Sherlock Holmes. Educated at the Jesuit preparatory school Hodder Place, Stonyhurst, and later at Stonyhurst College, Doyle went on to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh, where he began crafting his narratives. His medical knowledge profoundly influenced his literary work, exemplified by the logical and forensic approach of Holmes. Doyle's oeuvre extends beyond detective stories; his historical novel 'Sir Nigel,' set during the Hundred Years' War, demonstrates his versatility and meticulous research in literature. Although overshadowed by the Sherlock Holmes canon, 'Sir Nigel' and works like 'The White Company' offer a vivid portrayal of the chivalric era, marked by Doyle's talent for creating compelling characters and rich historical contexts. Doyle's literary style combines clear, precise narration with an engaging storytelling technique, securing his position as one of the preeminent storytellers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His contributions to literature, along with his promotion of spiritualism and involvement in various social justice issues, reflect a man whose interests were as diverse as his writing portfolio.

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