With the Procession


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547341796
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 217 S., 0.58 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In Henry Blake Fuller's novel 'With the Procession,' the reader is transported to the bustling city of Chicago during the Gilded Age. The book delves into themes of social class, urbanization, and the struggles of adapting to a rapidly changing society. Fuller's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions of the cityscape and nuanced character development, making the reader feel like they are walking alongside the protagonist through the streets of Chicago. Set against the backdrop of industrialization and the rise of capitalism, 'With the Procession' offers a compelling insight into the complexities of city life in the late 19th century. Henry Blake Fuller, a prominent American novelist and critic, drew inspiration from his own experiences living in Chicago to write 'With the Procession.' His keen observations of society and his deep understanding of human nature shine through in this thought-provoking novel. Fuller's unique perspective as a writer adds layers of depth to the narrative, making it a must-read for fans of American literature and historical fiction. I highly recommend 'With the Procession' to readers who enjoy immersive historical fiction that explores the intricacies of urban life. Fuller's expert storytelling and insightful commentary on society make this novel a captivating and enriching read.


Henry Blake Fuller (18571929) was a distinguished American novelist and a noteworthy figure in the Chicago literary renaissance of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born on January 9, 1857, in Chicago, Fuller began his writing career with travel pieces but soon transitioned to fiction. 'With the Procession' (1895), one of his well-regarded works, delves into the social strata and dynamics of Chicago society, providing insightful commentary on the Gilded Age with a level of realism that predated the work of later writers such as Theodore Dreiser. Fuller's narrative style blends sharp social observation with a deft satirical edge, often critiquing the class-consciousness and materialism of the urban milieu. Fuller's earlier novels like 'The Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani' (1890) had reflected more romantic themes, but his shift towards social realism marked a significant development in his literary style and in American realism. Despite his impact, Fuller remained a somewhat obscure literary figure, overshadowed by contemporaries. Nonetheless, his contributions to American literature, particularly his incisive analysis of the urban experience and the complexities of social mobility, remain influential. His depictions in 'With the Procession' have made it a critical resource for understanding the societal constructs of Chicago and, by extension, America during a transformative historical period.

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