Charlotte's Inheritance


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547336617
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 371 S., 0.67 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Charlotte's Inheritance' by M. E. Braddon, readers are immersed in a compelling tale of mystery, love, and betrayal. Set in the Victorian era, the book introduces readers to the complex world of inheritance laws and family dynamics. Braddon's intricate plot twists and rich character development showcase her skillful storytelling and attention to detail, making the novel a classic example of Victorian sensation fiction. The book's exploration of societal expectations and the consequences of deception adds depth to the narrative, keeping readers eagerly turning the pages to uncover the truth behind Charlotte's unexpected inheritance. M. E. Braddon, a prolific Victorian author, was known for her groundbreaking work in the sensation fiction genre. Born during a time when women's voices in literature were often marginalized, Braddon's writing challenged societal norms and offered a nuanced perspective on the complexities of human relationships and moral dilemmas. Her personal experiences and keen observations of the world around her likely influenced her captivating storytelling. For readers who appreciate intricate plots, vivid characters, and thought-provoking themes, 'Charlotte's Inheritance' is a must-read. Braddon's masterful blend of mystery, romance, and social commentary will captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression long after the final page is turned.


Mary Elizabeth Braddon, a prominent figure in the Victorian literary scene, was born on October 4, 1835, in London, England. Braddon, a prolific writer, is best known for her contributions to the sensation novel genre, characterized by its exploration of crime, mystery, and strong emotional appeals. She began her writing career in 1860 and reached considerable acclaim with her novel 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862), which epitomized the sensational style with its themes of identity and concealed pasts. Her forte in creating thrilling and suspenseful narratives won her a substantial readership and was considered a refreshing divergence from conventional Victorian literature. 'Charlotte's Inheritance' asserts Braddon's place as a master storyteller, effectively capturing the social intricacies and moral dilemmas of her time. Braddon's ability to delve into her characters' psychological depths while maintaining a gripping plot has granted her works longevity beyond their original serial publication. Often focusing on female protagonists, Braddon's literature also subtly questioned the traditional roles and expectations of women during the 19th century. Her extensive oeuvre, comprising over 80 novels as well as short stories, plays, and poems, continues to be studied for its narrative craft and representation of Victorian culture. Braddon passed away on February 4, 1915, but her influence persists as scholars and enthusiasts delve into the societal and literary contributions of her extensive and captivating body of work.

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