The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder

eBook - A National Toy, With Fourteen Step Scenes; and Illustrations in Verse, With Eighteen other Cuts

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547334675
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 13 S., 1.77 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


William Hone's infamous satirical work, 'The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder', provides a scathing commentary on the scandalous private life of Queen Caroline of England. Through a series of caricatures, Hone humorously depicts the Queen's relationships with various men, including her supposed lovers and advisors. The book's witty and provocative tone pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms, making it a controversial piece of literature during its time. Hone's clever use of visual and verbal satire adds layers of complexity to the narrative, inviting readers to reflect on the power dynamics and moral values of the royal court. 'The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder' serves as a bold and daring critique of the monarchy, shedding light on the personal struggles and scandals of one of Britain's most iconic queens. Recommended for readers interested in political satire, historical scandals, and the intersections of art and social commentary.


William Hone (17801842) was a British writer, satirist, and book publisher known for his works that reflect the political and social atmosphere of early 19th-century England. Hone started his career as an apprentice to a solicitor before shifting focus to political pamphleteering and journalism. He gained nationwide attention with his provocative satires, criticising government oppression and defending civil liberties. His most celebrated case was without doubt the 1817 ex-officio prosecution by the government for his parodies, which resulted in a landmark victory for the freedom of the English press when he was acquitted of all charges. Hone's persistent opposition to the government through wit and irony marked an era of socio-political dissent in British literary history. Perhaps one of Hone's well-known works illustrating his literary style is 'The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder' (1820), a satirical pamphlet commenting on the contentious marriage between George IV and Queen Caroline, employing allegory and caricature to influence public opinion. This work stands as a testament to Hone's sharp-edged humor and his commitment to commenting on the issues of his day through the power of the written word. His literary contributions, through their blend of satire and activism, solidified his position as a pivotal figure in the development of 19th-century English literature and journalism. Scholars often regard Hone's style as emblematic of the transition from the more direct political engagement of pamphleteering to the satirical commentary that would characterize much of Victorian literature.

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